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Club Rules

1. This Club shall be called “The Jesters Cricket Club”, and that the colours of the Club be dark blue with red jester superimposed.

2. The purpose of the Club shall be to play cricket in a spirit not unworthy of the name of the Club.

3. (a) The Non-Executive Officers of the Club shall consist of a President and Vice-President or Vice-Presidents, the number of which shall be determined by the Committee.

(b) The Executive Officers of the Club shall consist of an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Match Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer.


4. The affairs of the Club shall be administered by the Committee of eight members consisting of the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Match Secretary, The Honorary Treasurer and five other members; the Committee to be elected at the Annual General Meeting and to retire annually, being eligible for re-election; and that the Committee shall have the power to co-opt.


5. At the meeting of the Committee which shall be summoned at least three times per year, five members shall constitute a quorum; at a General Meeting ten shall constitute a quorum.


6. (a) A General Meeting of the Club shall be held annually for the election of Executive Officers and other Committee Members, and any other business. The names of candidates for the Committee shall be forwarded to the Hon Secretary not less than seven days before the date announced for the Annual General Meeting.

(b) The President, who shall be eligible for re-election, will otherwise be elected by the Committee every four years. Members shall be entitled to suggest names of candidates which shall be forwarded to the Hon Secretary by the end of August, prior to the relevant Annual General Meeting.

(c) Vice-Presidents shall be elected by, and at the discretion of, the Committee.

(d) The Committee may at any time for any special purpose call a Special General Meeting and they shall do so as soon as practicable upon receipt by the Hon Secretary of a requisition in writing of any ten members of the Club stating the purpose for which the meeting is required.


7. At any meeting of the Club whether General or Committee, every member present shall have one vote, and the Chairman a casting vote if the voting should happen to be equal.


8. Candidates for Membership shall be proposed by a Member and seconded by another Member. The Candidate must be known personally to the Proposer. (Proposal forms are available on application to the Hon. Secretary).


9. No one shall be elected a Member until he has first played for the Club as a Candidate.


10. The election of Members shall be in the hands of the Committee, the election to be by ballot, two black balls to exclude. The name of any Candidate who has been rejected shall not again be put forward without the authority of the Committee. The Committee shall have the power to elect Honorary Members who shall not have the right to vote at General Meetings.


11. On the election of a Member the Hon Secretary shall notify him accordingly. The entrance fee shall be paid to the Hon Treasurer within one month after the posting of such notice, or such election shall be void unless the delay be explained to the satisfaction of the Committee.


12. (a) There shall be an annual subscription of £20 for which all members shall be required to sign a Bankers Order.

(b) Members over forty years of age shall have the option of becoming Life Members on payment of a single subscription of £110

(c) Each Member and Candidate shall pay the sum of £7 for expenses to the Match Manager of each match in which he plays.


13. (a) A Member of the Club, who has been duly elected as hereinafter provided in the Rules and who has played for the Club as a Member, may at any time during his membership elect to become for the future a Non-Playing Member by notification in writing to the Hon Secretary, and the annual subscription of such a Member shall thereupon by reduced to £5

(b) A Non-Playing Member shall have the right to vote at General Meetings of the Club, but shall not be eligible for election to the Committee.


14. The annual subscription of any Member residing abroad during any cricket season may be waived for that season at the discretion of the Committee.


15. No matches shall be arranged without the approval of the Committee.


16. If the manager of the match does not receive from any Member an answer to an invitation to play within five days of posting such invitation, the invitation shall be considered cancelled and the manager at liberty to make other arrangements.


17. In the event of the Committee considering the conduct of any Member detrimental to the interests of the Club, they shall call upon him for an explanation, and if such explanations be unsatisfactory or not forthcoming within a reasonable time, the Committee shall have the power to require his resignation from the Club, and if he declines to resign, to expel him from the Club.


18. The Rules shall be altered only at a General Meeting.



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